钱伯斯(Chambers and Partners)于1990年在英国伦敦创立,是国际最权威、最有影响力的法律评级机构之一。其调研覆盖全球近200个国家的法律服务市场,以其调研和评价体系客观公正在全球具有卓越声誉,受到诸多法律专业人士及客户的信赖与肯定。
2020年12月15日,著名法律评级机构钱伯斯 (Chambers and Partners)发布了《2021亚太法律指南》(2021 Asia-Pacific Guide)。
天同以其在争议解决领域【Dispute Resolution (PRC Firms)】令人称羡的业绩再次荣登钱伯斯2021亚太榜单。同时,天同4名合伙人荣登此榜获得推荐,分布在诉讼、仲裁、建筑以及重组/破产领域,其中曹文衔律师在建筑领域获得业界贤达称号。
(The team is regularly instructed by financial institutions and SOEs. Well regarded for its deft management of appellate cases, the team is also fully equipped to handle arbitration. )
陈耀权 (天同律师事务所合伙人)
(Chen Yaoquan is a safe pair of hands in the litigation sphere. His expertise in commercial and finance-related disputes is sought by domestic entities, especially in appellate cases heard before the Supreme People's Court. One pleased client comments: "Chen is very clear in expressing his points in court and is very, very quick on his feet.")
——钱伯斯(Chambers and Partners)
朱华芳 (天同律师事务所合伙人)
(Zhu Huafang represents clients from real estate and construction, finance and energy sectors in arbitration cases before CIETAC and BAC. Clients like her, saying: "She was an in-house counsel. She is experienced and understands clients' needs well.")
——钱伯斯(Chambers and Partners)
曹文衔 (天同律师事务所合伙人)
Eminent Practitioners 业界贤达
(Cao Wenxian of TianTong Law Firm maintain a notable practice in the construction space. He is well experienced acting on various construction claims and real estate disputes.)
——钱伯斯(Chambers and Partners)
池伟宏 (天同律师事务所合伙人)
(Chi Weihong of TianTong Law Firm has noteworthy expertise in the insolvency and restructuring space, regularly taking up the administrator role in reorganisation proceedings. Market sources single him out for his experience in the judiciary, with one saying: "He handled a lot of restructuring and insolvency cases as a judge in the bankruptcy court. Therefore, he can take into account the court's perspective and is able to balance the interests of the different parties.")
——钱伯斯(Chambers and Partners)